Researching Online For Dummies by Reva Basch
The collections of world's libraries, institutions and reference archives are quickly making their way online. It is now possible to dig through ancient and modern research sources via a computer hooked up to the Internet. This text provides all the necessary guides a researcher needs to plan, undertake and apply online sources to a project. The book introduces readers to making the most cost-efficient online connection, finding and using various search engines and specialized research tools, using Internet online services, getting information from discussion groups and forums, sifting through all of the information to find what is being looked for, verifying information, copyright issues and adding it all to a report or presentation. The book also contains a directory customized for the online researcher. The accompanying CD-ROM contains the software needed to connect to a online service provider, as well as various demos and free tools for collecting, archiving and presenting research. It also contains a Web browser and an HTML file with links to the directory sites.