Impressive...Dugoni weaves a compulsively readable tale of love, loss, and greed. Readers will look forward to the further exploits of his sharp-witted detective. -Publishers Weekly (starred review) Dugoni blends the best elements of a classic small town mystery with a legal thriller to craft a compelling tale. His characters and vivid setting drop the reader right into the emotional heart of the story. Tracy Crosswhite is one of the best protagonists in the realm of crime fiction today, and there is nothing cold about A Cold Trail. -Associated Press Crime writing of the absolute highest order, illustrating that Dugoni is every bit the equal of Lisa Gardner and Harlan Coben when it comes to psychological suspense. Call A Cold Trail an angst-riddled, contemplative tale, or just call it flat-out great. -Providence Journal Dugoni can truly do it all, and A Cold Trail is him at the height of his talents. -Bookreporter Dugoni's formidable writing talent comes to the fore again in a nerve-twisting tale set in the snowbound Pacific Northwest. A Cold Trail hosts skillfully drawn characters with complex relationships and hidden motives and will leave the reader guessing to the end. -Authorlink Known for his thrilling detective series, New York Times bestselling author Robert Dugoni continues to deliver in the Tracy Crosswhite series. Promising to be intense, emotional, and fierce, this is a fast-paced story any crime fan can sink into. -Independent Voice Newspaper Praise for The Tracy Crosswhite Series and Robert Dugoni: Dugoni has a gift for creating compelling characters and mysteries that seem straightforward, but his stories, like an onion, have many hidden layers. He also is able to capture the spirit and atmosphere of the Pacific Northwest, making the environment come alive. -Associated Press Crosswhite is a sympathetic, well-drawn protagonist, and her next adventure can't come fast enough. -Library Journal (starred review) An immensely-almost compulsively-readable tale...A crackerjack mystery. -Booklist (starred review) Dugoni is a superb storyteller... -Boston Globe [Dugoni is the] master of Seattle menace. -The Big Thrill Dugoni does a masterful job...If you are not already reading his books, you should be! -BookReporter Dugoni has become one of the best crime novelists in the business... -RT Book Reviews Dugoni breathes life into the police procedural like never before. Put the Tracy Crosswhite series...on your 'must read' list! -Suspense Magazine Dugoni's twisted tale is one of conspiracy and culpability...Richly nuanced and entirely compelling...Further amplifying such gravitas is the richly atmospheric sense of place, with Seattle's bitter chill serving as a suitable backdrop... -Criminal Element