In Dugoni's outstanding fourth Tracy Crosswhite mystery, the Seattle homicide detective investigates the death of Andrea Strickland, a young woman whose body a fisherman finds in a crab pot raised from the sea...In less deft hands this tale wouldn't hold water, but Dugoni presents his victim's life in discrete pieces, each revealing a bit more about Andrea and her struggle to find happiness. Tracy's quest to uncover the truth leads her into life-altering peril in this exceptional installment. -Publishers Weekly, Starred Review Dugoni drills so deep into the troubled relationships among his characters that each new revelation shows them in a disturbing new unholy tangle of crimes makes this his best book to date. -Kirkus Reviews Dugoni has a gift for creating compelling characters and mysteries that seem straightforward, but his stories, like an onion, have many hidden layers. He also is able to capture the spirit and atmosphere of the Pacific Northwest, making the environment come alive....another winner from Dugoni. -Associated Press All of Robert Dugoni's talents are once again firmly on display in The Trapped Girl, a blisteringly effective crime thriller...structured along classical lines drawn years ago by the likes of Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett. A fiendishly clever tale that colors its pages with crisp shades of postmodern noir. -Providence Journal Robert Dugoni, yet again, delivers an excellent read....With many twists, turns, and jumps in the road traveled by the detective and her cohorts, this absolutely superb plot becomes more than just a little entertaining. The problem remains the same: Readers must now once again wait impatiently for the next book by Robert Dugoni to arrive. -Suspense Magazine The Trapped Girl is a blistering mystery, and some of Robert Dugoni's best work to date. -The Real Book Spy Dugoni weaves an intricate and absorbing story that's as hot as the unseasonable Seattle weather his detective battles through. -Authorlink Praise for The Tracy Crosswhite Series: Combines the best of a police procedural with a legal thriller, and the end result is outstanding...Dugoni continues to deliver emotional and gut-wrenching, character-driven suspense stories that will resonate with any fan of the thriller genre. -Library Journal, Starred Review Dugoni does a masterful job... If you are not already reading his books, you should be! -BookReporter Dugoni does a superior job of positioning [the plot elements] for maximum impact... -Publishers Weekly Well written, and its classic premise is sure to absorb legal-thriller fans...The characters are richly detailed and true to life, and the ending is sure to please fans. -Kirkus Reviews A stunningly suspenseful exercise in terror that hits every note at the perfect pitch. -Providence Journal Dugoni has become one of the best crime novelists in the business, and his latest featuring Seattle homicide detective Tracy Crosswhite will only draw more accolades. -Romantic Times, Top Pick