1. Introduction to SQL. What Is SQL? SQL Parts. Example of an SQL Command. SQL and the Relational Model. Relationa l Model. Definition of Terms. Relational Database Vendors. Summary.
2. Database Design. Approaching Database Design. Steps of Database Design. Creation of a Logical Model. Normalization. Database Diagram. Logical Data Modeling Tools. Summary.
3. Creation of a Database. Physical Database Creation. Exercises: Creation of a Database. Data Types. Data Type Guidelines. Indexes and Primary and Foreign Keys. Exercises Summary.
4. Insert, Update, and Delete. INSERT Command. Exercises: Using the INSERT Command. UPDATE Command. Search Conditions with the UPDATE Command. Predicates with the UPDATE Command. Exercises: The UPDATE Command. DELETE Command. Exercises: The DELETE Command. Summary.
5. Retrieving Data: The SELECT Statement. SELECT Command. Using Expressions. Exercises with the SELECT Command. Examples: Using the SELECT Commands with UPDATE and DELETE. Exercises with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE with SELECT. Summary 5-25.
6. Functions and the Clauses ORDER BY, GROUP BY, and HAVING. ORDER BY Clause. Functions. Aggregate Functions. GROUP BY, HAVING, and Aggregate Functions. Exercises with the SELECT Command. Summary.
7. Joins and Unions Joins. Unions. Exercises with SELECT and Joins and Unions. Summary.
8. Complex Queries and Performance. Subqueries. Performance Considerations. Database Design and Performance. Exercises with Complex Queries. Summary.
9. Views. Introduction to Views. CREATE VIEW and DROP VIEW Command Diagrams. Creation of an External Schema. Exercises with Views. Summary.
10. Privileges and Use of GRANT and REVOKE. Privileges and the GRANT Command. GRANT Command Diagrams. Privileges and the REVOKE Command. REVOKE Command Diagrams. Exercises with GRANT and REVOKE. Summary.
11. System Tables and Stored Procedures. Introduction to System Tables. How Vendors Vary System Tables. Exercises with System Tables. Stored Procedures and Triggers. Summary.
12. Data Integrity and Constraints. Data Integrity. Foreign Keys: More on Delete Rules. Foreign Key Guidelines. Implications for SQL Operations. Transaction Analysis and Integrity. Summary.
13. SQL Variations. Differences in SQL. Differences in Database Systems. SQL Language Variations. SQL Statement Elements. Summary.
14. Writing Applications Using SQL. Introduction to Embedded SQL. Definition of Terms. Examples of Embedded SQL Using SQL API. ODBC Overview. Using ODBC with Embedded SQL. Summary.
15. Fourth Generation Languages. Past, Present, Future. 4GL (Rapid Application Development) Vendors. 4GL Checklist. Exercises. Summary.
16. Database Middleware. Overview of Database Middleware. Direct, Proprietary Access to RDBMS. Multidatabase Connectivity. Gateways and Vendors. Extended Middleware Connectivity. Summary.
17. A Look at Query Tools. Query Tools. End-User Query Vendors. Checklist. EIS Systems. Exercises. Summary.
18. Report Writers. Report Writers. Report Generation Vendors. Report Writer Checklist. Exercises with Report Writers. Summary.
19. Database Directions. Data Warehousing. Parallel Databases. Object-Oriented Databases (OODBMS). Replication Strategies. Performance and the 64-bit OS. Relational Technology and the Internet. Summary.
A. SQL Vendors.
Relational Database Players. Logical Modeling Vendors. Data Translation Tool Vendors. 4GL Vendors. Connectivity: Direct Access Solution Vendors. Connectivity: Vendors with ODBC Drivers. Connectivity: Vendors with Multidatabase APIs. Connectivity: Gateways. Connectivity: Vendors with Middleware Products. End-User Query Vendors. EIS Players. Report Generation Vendors. Data Warehousing Vendors. Parallel Database Vendors. Object-Oriented Databases with SQL Extensions. Decentralized Replication Vendors. Database Internet Vendors.
B. Installing SQL Solo. Installing CD-ROM Software. Installing SQL Solo on Windows 95.
C. The LEAD Toolkit: A Demonstration. Index.