Part 1: Introduction 1. David Wagner - Diversity of caterpillar adaptations in a complex evolutionary landscape.
Part 2: Impacts of the first trophic level, plants, on caterpillar ecology and evolution
2. Rupesh Kariyat - Surface warfare: Interactions between caterpillars and plant structural defenses.
3. Martha Weiss and John Lill - Role of host plants in mediating caterpillar-natural enemy interactions.
4. Maria-Jose Endara and Phyllis Coley - Reciprocal impacts of plant defenses and host choice by Lepidoptera in Neotropical rainforests.
5. Richard Musser - Molecular ecology of caterpillar salivary defenses against host plants
7. May Berenbaum - Ecology and evolution of secondary compound detoxification systems in caterpillars
8. Paul Ode - Comparative caterpillar host plant interactions in agricultural and wildland systems: what can comparisons tell us?
9. Carmen Blubaugh and W.E. Snyder - Caterpillars drive patterns of growth and top-down suppression of competing phloem-feeders across diverse environments.
10. Robert J. Marquis and Christina S. Baer - The tritrophic ecology of shelter-building Lepidoptera, and their impact on secondary inhabitants.
Part 3: Impacts of the third trophic level, natural enemies, on caterpillar ecology and evolution
11. John Stireman - Natural history and ecology of parasitoids attacking caterpillars.
12. Jayne Yack - Auditory adaptations in caterpillars.
13. Michael S. Singer, Riley M. Anderson, Robert E. Clark, Isaac H. Lichter-Marck, Kenneth D. Whitney, Kailen A. Mooney
- Temperate forest caterpillars: how dietary specialization mediates their susceptibility to predators.
14. Suzanne Koptur, Jaeson Clayborn, and Paulo Oliveira - Are cryptic caterpillars hidden from ants, other predators, and parasitoids?
15. Naomi Pierce - Caterpillar specializations for associating with ants.
16. Angela M. Smilanich, M. Deane Bowers, Nadya D. Muchoney, Heather L. Slinn, Lee A. Dyer - The gravity of top-down forces: effects of parasitoids and viruses on the ecology of caterpillars.
17. Hannah Rowland* - Background matching in caterpillars to escape bird predation.
Part 4: Multiple interactive effects among all three trophic levels
18. Laura Braga and Ivone Rezende Diniz - Caterpillar interactions in the
Cerrado seasonal environment and its importance in the face of climate change
19. Allen H. Hurlbert - Caterpillar phenology in space and time: exploring patterns from citizen science data.
Part 5: Caterpillar foodwebs in a world of rapidly changing climate
20. Karina Boege and Eck del-Val - Impacts of hurricanes on caterpillar foodwebs in a tropical dry forest of Mexico
21. Lee A. Dyer, Danielle M. Salcido, Matthew L. Forister, and Humberto Garcia Lopez - Variation in intensity of global change parameters determines declines and increases in plant-caterpillar-parasitoid interaction diversity.
Part 6: Synthesis
22. M. Deane Bowers - Caterpillars and chemicals: mediation of multitrophic interactions.
23. Suzanne Koptur and Robert Marquis - Synthesis and conclusions.