1. Melanoma: Historical Context
Suraj Venna, Sekwon Jang, Michael Atkins
2. Melanoma Pathogenesis
Jennifer A. Lo, David E. Fisher
3. Molecular Diagnostics and Tumor Mutational Analysis
Melissa A. Wilson and Katherine L. Nathanson
4. Clinical Utility of BRAF-targeted therapy in Melanoma
Jeffrey A. Sosman and Douglas B. Johnson
5. The Ethics of Randomized Trials in Oncology
Pallavi Kumar, Ryan J. Sullivan
6. Parallel and Serial Blockade Strategies in BRAF-Mutant Melanoma
Michael A. Davies
7. Targeting the cell cycle and p53 in combination with BRAF-directed therapy
Dale Han, Keiran SM Smalley
8. Combination BRAF-directed therapy and immunotherapy
Zachary A. Cooper, Zain Ahmed, Jennifer A. Wargo
9. Moving Forward: Making BRAF-Targeted Therapy Better
Keith T Flaherty