Communicating Information KS2: Text, Art and Design by Samantha Uppal
The development of Information Technology (IT) capability plays a key part in the IT curriculum. In order to develop this capability children need to be given the oppportunity to gain knowledge about a range of different IT applications, how they work, and what they can be used for. It is only by the development of these skills that children will be able to use software effectively. This book aims to develop children's word-processing, DTP and graphic skills. as well as developing learning strategies within meaningful contexts. These activities are designhed for children at Key Stage 2/Scottish Levels C to E and are based on the learning requirements of the Programme of Study for information technology. Throughout the book investigative work is encouraged and problem-solving strategies are provided. These activities are designed for children at Key Stage 2/Scottish Levels C to E and are based on the learning requirements of the Programme of Study for information technology.