Preface (S.W. Polachek). Social security programs and retirement around the world (J. Gruber, D. Wise). Full time or part time? German parental leave policy and the return to work after childbirth in Germany (J. Ondrich et al.). Schooling and labor market consequences of the 1970 state abortion reforms (J.D. Angrist, W.N. Evans). Are private schools really better? (D.N. Figlio, J.A. Stone). Using latent variables in dynamic discrete choice models: the effect of school characteristics on teacher decisions (T.R. Stinebrickner). Job characteristics and the form of compensation (W.B. MacLeod, D. Parent). Postal service compensation and the comparability standard (B.T. Hirsch, M.L. Wachter and J.W. Gillula). Replacing general with specific training: why restricting alternatives makes sense (J.M. Barron, M.C. Berger and D.A. Black). The demand and supply of work-related training: evidence from four countries (E. Leuven, H. Oosterbeek). National training systems and industrial performance: U.S.-European matched-plant comparisons (D. Finegold, G. Mason). The impact of subsidies on the number of new apprentices (N. Westergaard-Nielsen, A.R. Rasmussen). Firm-level training for newly hired workers: its determinants and effects (H.J. Holzer, J. Reaser). Formal and informal training: evidence from the NLSY (M.A. Loewenstein, J.R. Spletzer). How long do the benefits of training last? Evidence of long term effects across current and previous employers (P.A. Lengermann).