1. Directory of Early American Public Accountants A.C. Littleton 2. Recollections of the Early Days of American Accountancy, 1883-1893 James T. Anyon 3. The CPA Movement and the Future of the Profession of the Public Accountant in the US George Wilkinson 4. The Genesis of the CPA Movement George Wilkinson 5. Organization of the Profession in Pennsylvania George Wilkinson 6. Reminiscences of Early Days of the Accounting Profession in Illinois, Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants 7. The Emergence of Public Accounting in the United States, 1748-1895 James Don Edwards 8. Public Accounting in the United States, 1896-1913 James Don Edwards 9. Heritage of the American Accounting Profession Mary E. Murphy 10. Accounting Practice at the Turn of the Century John L. Carey 11. Early Developments in American Auditing C.A. Moyer 12. Early Days of the Firm and the Profession William Sutherland 13. Prelude to the Modern Age Gary John Previts and Barbara Dubis Merino 14. The Meaning of Public Accountant Norman E. Webster 15. Early Movements for Accountancy Education Norman E. Webster 16. Early University Education in Accountancy Jeremiah Lockwood 17. The Growth of Accounting Instruction Since 1900 C.E. Allen 18. Some Early Accountancy Examiners Norman E. Webster