Chapter 1: The world itself
* Earth's poles
* Meteorites
* Waterworld
* Getting away from it all
* The longest straight line over water* The longest you can walk without having to swim
* Volcanic eruptions over the past 12,000 years* Earth's forests
* Earth's chemical elements* Earth's phosphorus
Chapter 2: The world of countries
* Countries named after people
* Monarchies and republics
* Female leaders* National flags that contain the colour red
* Passport colours* Driving - left or right?
* Capital punishment* Press freedom
* Dominance of a capital city
* Population density
Chapter 3: The world perturbed by people
* Carbon dioxide emissions* My short-haul carbon footprint
* Busiest airline routes* Renewable electricity output
* Nuclear power generation* Trash
* Plastic waste
* Pesticide use
* Mammal species under threat
* Night sky brightness
Chapter 4: The world of the built environment
* Homes at risk of rising sea levels
* Lighthouses
* World heritage sites
* Roman amphitheatres
* Skyscrapers
* Spaceports
* The 500 most powerful supercomputers
* Mains frequency* Sharing a McDonald's
* Soccer stadia
Chapter 5: The world of thoughts, ideas, and beliefs
* The most complex machine ever built
* Scientific productivity* Intellectual property
* Views on the safety of vaccines* Good at maths?
* Literacy* How the world writes
* UFO sightings
* How the world believes
* The happiness of nations
Chapter 6: The world of wellbeing
* Homicide
* Suicide
* Obesity in adults
* Alcohol consumption
* Road traffic deaths
* Incidence of malaria
* Experience of pain yesterday
* How the world dies
* The life expectancy gender gap* Life expectancy at birth
Chapter 7: The world of sport and leisure
* Football World Cup
* Foreign players in the Premier League
* Summer Olympics
* Chess playing strength
* Shakespeare's world* Nobel prize for literature
* Going to the movies* Computer games
* What the world searches for
* Active on social media
Chapter 8: The world of economics
* Accessing cash* Units of currency
* Gold reserves
* The indebtedness of nations
* Standard of living
* Big Apple
* International tourism
* Military expenditure
* Access to electricity
* Catching fishAfterword