Foreword. Preface. About the Author. BASIC PRINCIPLES. The cellular and neurophysiological basis of EEG. Principles of digital EEG recording and display. Rules of localization. NORMAL EEG. Visual analysis of EEG: A systematic approach. Normal EEG in adults. Activation techniques. Artifacts: Generators, when to suspect, and how to resolve. Normal variants. ABNORMAL EEG: CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF EEG IN EPILEPSIES AND OTHER NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS. The spectrum of epileptiform abnormalities: Interictal, ictal, and ictal-interictal continuum. EEG of genetic generalized epilepsies. EEG of focal epilepsies. EEG of developmental and epileptic encephalopathies. Non-epileptiform EEG abnormalities. EEG in dementia. CRITICAL CARE EEG. Ictal-interictal continuum. Non-convulsive status epilepticus. EEG in encephalopathy and coma. A systematic approach to the critical care EEG. Index.