Neuroanatomy: The neuron, brain and behavior- an overview. Embryology of the nervous system. Histogenesis of the cord. Brain. Neural crest. Further development of CNS segments. The spinal nerve. The spinal cord. Meninges. Dura Mater. Leptomeninges. External aspect of the spinal cord. Internal structure of the spinal cord. White matter. Gray matter. Cranial meninges. Dura Mater. Leptomeninges. The ventricular system and cerebrospinal fluid. Ventricles. CSF- choroid plexus. Circulatioin of CSF. Formation of CSF. Blood-brain barrier. Blood-CSF barrier. Functions of CSF. Blood supply of the central nervous system. Vertebral artery branches. Basilar artery branches. Internal carotid branches. Cerebral circulation. Central areas. Venous drainage of the brain. Blood supply of spinal cord. Autonomic system. Autonomic system. "Peripheral" sympathetic system. Visceral autonomic system. Visceral afferents. Higher control centers. Heart. Respiratory autonomics. GI tract. Pelvic viscera. Male genital reflexes. Female genital reflexes. Autonomics of the head. Reflex activity- muscle reflexes- muscle tone. The brainstem. Medulla. Pons. Midbrain. The cerebellum. Surface features. Flocculi. Vermis. Hemispheres. Cerebellar peduncles. Cerebellar nuclei. Midsagittal section. The forebrain- diencephalon and telencephalon. Diencephalon. The cerebral hemispheres. Frontal lobe. Parietal lobe. Temporal lobe. Occipital lobe. Insula. Cerebral cortex. Other midsagittal features. Internal anatomy of the intracranial central nervous system. Section 1: Caudal medulla, junction spinal cord- medulla, pyramidal decussation. Section 2: Medulla. Gracile and cuneate tubercles. Sensory decussation. Section 3: Medulla, inferior olive, caudal fourth ventricle. Section 4: Cranial medulla. Widest part of the fourth ventricle. Section 5: Caudal pons. Facial colliculus. Section 6: Upper pons. Trigeminal nerve. Section 7: Cranial pons. Section 8: Midbrain, inferior colliculus, decussation of the brachium conjunctivum. Trochlear nerve nucleus. Section 9: Midbrain, superior colliculus, nucleus oculomotor nerve. Section 9A: Midbrain, superior colliculus, geniculate bodies. Prosencephalon and cerebellum. The thalamus. Dorsal thalamus. Subthalamus.The internal anatomy of the telencephalon. The basal ganglia and the internal capsule. Basal ganglia, connections and function. Striatum. Pallidum- globus pallidus. Subthalamus. Substantia nigra.The cerebral hemispheres. Cerebral cortex. Gray matter. Hippocampus- hippocampal formation. White matter. Projection fibers. Associatin fibers. Commissural fibers. Amygdala and hippocampal formation. Sagittal section- dissection of fornix. Frontal section through the amygdala. Section through PES hippocampus and amygdala. Section through columns of fornix. Frontal section through mammillary bodies. Frontal section through crus fornix. Medial dissection: radiation of corpus callosum. Dissection cerebral hemisphere from lateral aspect. Dissection corona radiata, putamen, crus cerebri. Section slanting through proximal pons, midbrain, posterior thalamus. Section through mammillary bodies, prerubal field, anterior nucleus thalamus. Section through the tuber cinereum and the mid-hypothalamus. Section through the posterior optic chiasm and anterior commissure. Section through the anterior chiasm and anterior striatum. Horizontal section - mid cerebrum. Hippocampal formation. Horizontal section through the interventricular foramen. The cerebellum- internal structure. Inferior peduncle. Middle peduncle. Superior peduncle. Histology. Cerebellar lesions. Afferent and efferent pathways. General somatic afferent system. Lemniscal- posterior column system. Spinothalamic system. Light (crude) touch. General somatic afferents- face. Pain, temperature, touch from the face. Proprioception, stereognosis, touch from the face. Mesencephalic tract and nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. Unconscious proprioception- reporting to the cerebellum. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract. Ventral spinocerebellar tract. General somatic efferent system. The lateral and ventral corticospinal tracts. The corticobulbar tracts. Miscellaneous tracts. Corticopontine tracts. Medial longitudinal fasciculus. Tectospinal tract. Rubrospinal tract. Lateral vestibulospinal tract. Reticular system. Control of consciousness. Control of sensation. Control of visceral function. Control of motor activity. Cranial nerves. Cranial nerve 'generalities.' Cranial nerve I: the olfactory nerve- smell. Cranial nerve II: the optic nerve- vision. Structure of the retina. The optic pathway. Cranial nerves III, IV and VI: III- oculomotor, IV- trochlear, VI- abducens. Oculomotor nerve. Trochlear nerve. Abducens nerve. Oculomotor nerve defect. Trochlear nerve defect. Abducens nerve defect. Conjugate eye motion. Voluntary conjugate eye movement. Reflex conjugate eye movement. Autonomics of the eye. Eye reflexes. Pulillary light reflex. Accommodation reflex. Corneal reflex. Eye muscle and nerve testing. Cranial nerve VIII: the vestibulocochlear nerve, vestibular portion. Vestibular portion. Vestibular nuclei and their connections. Vestibular semicircular canals and eye motion. Clinical considerations. Cranial nerve V: the trigeminal nerve. SVE- Branchial motor of trigeminal. GSA- Trigeminal sensory divisions. In general. Cranial nerve VII: the facial nerve. Branchial motor- SVE. Visceral motor- GVE- nervus intermedius. General somatic afferent- GSA. Greater petrosal nerve. Chorda tympani. Taste. Cranial nerve VIII: the vestibulocochlear nerve, cochlear portion. Cranial nerve IX: the glossopharyngeal nerve. GVE. SVE (branchial motor). GSA. GVA. SVA. Cranial nerve X: the vagus nerve. GVE. SVE (branchial motor). GSA. GVA. SVA. Cranial nerve XI: the spinal accessory nerve. Cranial nerve XII: the hypoglossal nerve. The hypothalamus. Regions of the hypothalamus. Blood supply. Connections of the hypothalamus. Bottom lines. Cranial nerve I: olfactory nerve, olfaction and the limbic system. Olfaction. Limbic system. Limbic lobe. Subcortical nuclei. Connections of the limbic system. The initiations, elaborations and maintenance of movement: an overview. Association cortex. Basal ganglia. Cerebellum. Motor cortex. Reticular formation. Cortical function: the production and comprehension of language. Motor dysphasia. Receptive dysphasia. Conduction dysphasia. The right hemiphere. Case studies. Solutions to case studies. Exercises. Appendix I: Neuroanatomy Atlas. Appendix II: A Dissection Guide. Gross anatomy of the brainstem and brain. Internal anatomy of the brainstem. Dissection of the cerebrum. Index.