Part I: Classical Transformational Grammar: Laying the groundwork:.
Introduction: Building the foundations of a syntactic analysis.
1. Laying the empirical groundwork.
2. Transformational Grammar and Rosenbaum's analysis.
3. Postal's On Raising.
Excerpt from Postal 1974.
4. Extended Standard Theory: Chomsky's Conditions on Transformations.
Excerpt from Chomsky 1973.
5. The On Raising Debates: Bresnan, Postal, and Bach.
Part II: Extensions and Reinterpretations of Standard Theory:.
Introduction: Branching paths of inquiry.
6. Relational Grammar Perlmutter and Postal's The Relational Succession Law.
Excerpt from Permutter & Postal 1972/83.
7. Revised Extended Standard Theory: Chomsky and Lasnik's Filters and Control.
Excerpt from Chomsky & Lasnik 1977.
Part III: Government & Binding Theory:.
Introduction: The interaction of principles and possible analyses.
8. Chomsky's Lectures on Government & Binding and the ECM analysis of Raising.
9. Development of and problems for the ECM account: Kayne 1981 and Cole & Hermon 1981.
Excerpt from Cole & Hermon 1981.
10. Are all these really raising constructions?: Cross-linguistic issues.
Part IV: The Minimalist Program:.
Introduction: Neo-Raising, Neo-ECM, and the Raising/Control distinction.
11. Functional projections and the rise of the Minimalist Program.
12. The return to a Raising to Object analysis.
Excerpt from Lasnik & Saito 1991.
13. The separation/unification of Raising/Control.