Acknowledgments, Contributors, Introduction to the Revised Edition, Prologue, SECTION I: DISORDERS USUALLY FIRST EVIDENT IN INFANCY, CHILDHOOD, OR ADOLESCENCE, 1. Developmental Disorders (Axis II), 2. Disruptive Behavior Disorders, 3. Anxiety Disorders of Childhood or Adolescence, 4. Eating Disorders, 5. Gender Identity Disorders, 6. Tic Disorders, 7. Elimination Disorders, 8. Speech Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified, 9. Other Disorders of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence References for Section I, SECTION II: ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS, 10. Delirium and Dementia, 11. Syndromes Similar to Functional Disorders, 12. Withdrawal and Intoxication, SECTION III: PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS, 13. Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders References for Sections II and III, SECTION IV: OTHER ADULT DISORDERS, 14. Schizophrenia, 15. Delusional (Paranoid) Disorder, 16. Psychotic Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified, 17. Mood Disorders, 18. Anxiety Disorders (Anxiety and Phobic Neuroses), 19. Somatoform Disorders, 20. Dissociative Disorders (Hysterical Neuroses, Dissociative Type), 21. Sexual Disorders, 22. Sleep Disorders (by Jerry J. Tomasovic), 23. Factitious Disorders, 24. Impulse Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified, 25. Adjustment Disorders, 26. Psychological Factors Affecting Physical Condition, 27. Personality Disorders, 28. V Codes for Conditions Not Attributable to a Mental Disorder That Are a Focus of Attention or Treatment References for Section IV, Appendix A: Drug-Drug Interactions, Appendix B: Generic and Trade Names of Medications, Name Index, Subject Index