Tae Kwon Do: The Ultimate Reference Guide to the World's Most Popular Martial Art by Yeon Hee Park
This work offers an in-depth exploration of the world's most popular martial art. The only book of its kind sanctioned by the World Taekwondo Federation and written by world-renowned Tae Kwon Do masters, Tae Kwon Do, Third Edition is the most comprehensive one-stop guide to the world's most popular martial art. More than 750 all-new, full-color photographs illustrate detailed instructions on the practices and techniques of this ancient Korean fighting system. Key features include a concise history of Tae Kwon Do; important tips and strategies for sparring; two glossaries - English to Korean and Korean to English; official rules of competition; and, weight and belt divisions. Essential reading for every Tae Kwon Do practitioner, Tae Kwon Do, Third Edition guides readers not only through their training in this revered martial art, but also in understanding and living by its moral and spiritual philosophy.