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Bücher von Shirley Trickett

Shirley Trickett is a former nurse who has worked for many years encouraging the public to take more responsibility for their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being through self-help books. She has also written about candida, panic attacks and depression and has written Coming off Tranquillizers and Sleeping Pills for Thorsons.

Panic Attacks von Shirley Trickett
Panic AttacksShirley Trickett
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Headaches and Migraine von Shirley Trickett
Headaches and MigraineShirley Trickett
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Candida Albicans von Shirley Trickett
Candida AlbicansShirley Trickett
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Coping with Candida von Shirley Trickett
Coping with CandidaShirley Trickett
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Coping with Candida von Shirley Trickett
Coping with CandidaShirley Trickett
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Coping with Headaches von Shirley Trickett
Coping with HeadachesShirley Trickett
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